
Toddler tantrums can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. They seem to come out of nowhere and can be very frustrating. It’s important to remember that tantrums from toddlers are a normal part of child development and usually peak around 18 months old.

What Causes Tantrums?

A tantrum is the expression of frustration and anger from not being able to get one’s way. Perhaps your child has trouble figuring something out or completing tasks; maybe they don’t have enough words to describe a feeling at that moment, leading to temper outbreaks. These include yelling and crying when things don’t go as expected.

Here are some tips on how to deal with tantrums from toddlers:

Be Consistent

Be consistent in your expectations and rules. This will help your child know what to expect and what is expected of them. It’s simple but effective.

Plan Ahead

Try to anticipate tantrum triggers and plan ahead. This could mean having a backup plan for when your child gets overwhelmed or avoiding situations that are likely to trigger tantrums.

Let Your Child Make Choices

Give your child some control by letting them make appropriate choices. This could mean letting them choose between two options for an activity or allowing them to choose their outfit for the day.

Praise Good Behavior

When your child is behaving well, be sure to praise them. This will help reinforce good behavior and let your child know that you are pleased with their actions.

Avoid Tantrum Triggers

As much as possible, try to avoid tantrum triggers. This could mean not bringing your child to a crowded place if they are prone to tantrums or avoiding situations that are likely to be overwhelming for them.

How to Respond to a Toddler Tantrum

When dealing with a tantrum-prone child, the best way to respond is by staying calm and utilizing distractions. This will help reduce any behavior that may be copies of our own emotions or reactions! 

If they’re throwing themselves around physically (and we can’t avoid this), try not to shout; instead, offer other activities like drawing pictures. For example, anything that takes their attention from what’s going on in front of us rather than engaging in an angry debate.

What’s Next?

If you have tried these tips and your child is still having tantrums, it may be time to seek professional help. Tantrums can signify other underlying issues, such as anxiety or sensory processing disorder. If you are concerned about your child’s tantrums, please contact Blossom Children’s Center—we’re always here to help.

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